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Oracle Apps HRMS R12 - Business Group

A Business Group (BG) holds information about the components of work structures such as jobs, grades and positions. At the BG level we set up the legislative rules, terms of employment, remuneration policies and employee work patterns. Oracle HRMS provides the flexibility to define enterprise the following four basic configurations models,

1.A single operating company in one country.
2.A single operating company in multiple countries.
3.Multiple operating companies in one country.
4.Multiple operating companies in multiple countries.

We will create only one BG for demonstration while you can create more than one BG’s in your enterprise to keep sets of data separated. The major reason for creating many business groups is that your enterprise is present in many countries.

For suggestion, Please give your comments for improvements


  1. Hey .. there
    Thanks for sharing information
    But i would like to inform you that there are missing contents in many of your posts..
    Can you please recheck and post the videos for the same?

    Thanks for the help


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